Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today, AT&T's chairman issued all employees a Health Challenge, to set a goal (actually a TARGET) and work toward it for the next six months.

I decided to take him up on that. Guess that mean's I'm going to have to get serious about eating right and exercising.

My specific goal is to lose 30 pounds in six months following the Weight Watchers online program and participate in a 5k event somewhere along the way.

Here's why I'm doing it:
  1. I was already overweight and gained 30 more pounds after getting married 6 years ago.
  2. I'm tired of having hundreds of pieces of clothing in my closet that I can't fit into any more.
  3. My two grandfathers and one grandmother died in their 60s or 70s of heart-related issues. That age seems to be approaching more rapidly every day.
  4. My dad, turning 71 this year, has already had two heart attacks and a triple bypass. (counting on my mom and grandmother's genes... both healthy as horses and Granny Dot made it to 93!)
  5. My last physical indicated elevated triglycerides, a precursor to diabetes. Time to get that under control.
  6. I failed the "atheletic" part of the corporate athlete assessment. Miserably. Everything else was great!
  7. I'm tired of being tired all the time, out of breath when walking out to my car, etc.
  8. I'm completely lazy, but I figure if I put myself out there in front of thousands of co-workers, I'll truly be committed and there'll be no backing out of it. With this blog, I'm out there in front of the WORLD with the same goal!
Here's what I need from you (my friends and co-workers) to be successful.
  1. Encouragement. Just knowing you're on my side will help.
  2. Lack of temptation. Weight Watchers will give me flexibility to splurge now and then, but I can't do it every day. Don't bring me a cookie and I won't be tempted to eat it.
  3. I'd say a training partner, but I wouldn't wish my schedule on anyone, so pairing up will be hard. But maybe virtual partners would work... we can keep each other posted on progress.
  4. I don't know yet but I'm sure there's more!
Anyway, there it is. I'm committed and I'll probably blog some of my feelings along the way. Say a prayer for me that this actually works and maybe next time you see me, I'll be approaching a more healthy weight and level of fitness.


  1. Way to go! I am here to help if you want to workout together or virtual. I workout at home and the Roswell Adult Recreation Center. I do some sort of exercise everyday. I have been told I am a reasonable coach and would be glad to setup some routines for you to do on your own or with somebody. Go get'em

  2. I'm so proud of you, sweetie. I'll join you in this effort so we can lose weight and get in shape together. I love you!

  3. Hey Hi,
    I just had this link forwarded to me from a cardic rehab nurse to check over and see if there are any routines I could use. Me doing Zumba…lol…not gonna happen. Just cut and paste the link.
